The song playing in this video was written, produced and performed by Cavendish School Students in 2003 as part of the Karrot Project. Please click on the speaker icon to listen to the song.
The song playing in this video was written, produced and performed by Cavendish School Students in 2003 as part of the Karrot Project. Please click on the speaker icon to listen to the song.
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Lesley Craggs(Head Teacher / DSL)
Debbie Sycamore (HR Manager / DSL)

020 7394 0088

Lesley Craggs (Head Teacher / DSL)
M: 07949 192797
Debbie Sycamore (HR Manager / DSL)
M: 07885 761412

Lady Gomm House

58 Hawkstone Rd,
London SE16 2PA, UK
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Our Purpose, Ethos & Values

Cavendish School works hard to provide a rich and balanced educational environment which caters for the whole person-academically, vocationally, socially, morally, spiritually, physically, emotionally and environmentally.
We aim to meet the needs of all our students as well as developing their ability to be independent responsible learners. In this way, we will raise aspirations, unlock potential and work to achieve excellence through encouraging a “can do” culture which nurtures confident and competent people.

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