Always work to the best of your ability
Show consideration for others
Respect School property and that of others
Attend regularly
Move promptly and quietly about the School
Be properly equipped for lessons with pens, pencils and other necessary items
Obey the instruction of staff at all times
Never bring valuable or dangerous items into the School
Our anti-bullying policy encourages students to speak to an adult in school if they are being bullied and promises that the disclosure will be taken seriously and acted on. All adults have the responsibility to listen and pass on details to the relevant member of staff if they are approached by a student.
TELL an adult in school that you trust. Take a friend if it helps. DON'T listen to the bully when they say you will be in trouble if you TELL. You are not doing anything wrong - THEY ARE. What you say will be passed on to your tutor. YOU WILL BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. If you need somewhere to be safe, there will be a place for you to go while the problem is being sorted out.
The best thing you can do is to TELL and adult.DON'T listen to the bully when they say you will be in trouble if you TELL. You are not doing anything wrong - THEY ARE.