Letter from Head Teacher

Welcome to Cavendish School

We believe that choosing a school for a young person is extremely important. We have provided some information about our school that will be of use to you when you are considering different options Cavendish School is an independent special school for students experiencing social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD). We are directly funded to provide education for students from the neighbouring Local Authorities. We are a school with a mixed population of students aged 11-16. The school provides full-time education for students in Key Stages 3 and 4 who have not conformed to conventional education. Most students have Statements of Special Education Needs or Educational Healthcare Plan, in addition to SEMH (SEBD). The school provides a positive learning environment where young people are allowed to achieve and succeed. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, with a core of GCSE subjects and vocational programs.

We aim to prepare our students for a successful transition into further education or employment.

If you are interested in our school and want to know more please contact us,

I look forward to meeting you.

Yours faithfully,


Head Teacher NPQH, B.Ed.